24 September 2007

Walking the Mountains & Valleys

Faith! What a wonderful post. so encouraging. the timing of your post is just right, coming to me and giving me a reminder of God's faithfulness!

Dear Ones,

Brandon, Caleb, Jonathan, Joseph, Faith, Sheena, Ben, David.

I've been spending some time over the past few days. looking back and just remembering how far all of you have come.

2 moments always stick in my mind:
*the 1st Unified Youth Camp in June 2006. i can remember praising God when so many put up their hand and made the decision to follow Jesus, Liang Rong was one of the 1st hands up.
*1st July 2006, in the kitchen. when Nic told me that Caleb, Faith & Sheena opened their hearts to God.

These are some of the memories that i thank God for.

And every time I see the signs of growth in all of you, i praise God:

*When i received David's sms encouragement yesterday morning for the seminar
*When Joseph reminded us about QT
*When Faith posted such a meaningful post.
*When some of you open up and share and come forward for prayer
*when you all willingly share your testimonies

Constantly, i thank God for all of you. and i thank God for the privilege and honour  He  has given me, to be able to guide and share with all of you.

My prayer for all of you is that you learn to support one another, to help and to serve one another out of love.
Watch out and cover each other in love and prayer. learn to stand on your own faith, and may your faith lead and bless others into the kingdom of God.

I hope that you have learnt something over all these past months. remember, don't follow something, just because i told you or forced you.
instead, learn the heart of it. some times if i have been hard on you, i want you to remember: it is only out of love for you and love for Christ, that i do all i do.
Follow only if your heart truly believes it and you really want to do it. let everything you do, be done out of faith.

remember, we must not become Christian "actors"! dont do things to please others, but honour God in all you do!
Be the real deal cos we are weak, but God is Strong! Amen?

let your faith rise up, rise up on the wind of the Holy Spirit. Not by my instructions or because you are afraid i will "korean style" you (ask joseph what is this)!

Love God's people
Don't lose hope in people, because we have a faithful God!
Go in God's Holy Spirit, not in our own strength!

Look far, and be strong in the faith now! God has a wonderful plan for you. some doors may close, some opportunities are lost; But pray and seek God: see the NEW doors He will open up for you!

Loving all of you, praying for all of you. =)

23 September 2007

have FAITH in Him.

18 September 2007

Early Morning

I'm sitting here at 745am in the lobby of a hotel writing this post =)

How's everyone been? I believe many of us have been going through some ups and downs over the past few weeks.

some of us struggle through work or school or in our relationships at home or with friends.

sometimes life seems so tough, sometimes boring, sometimes we may end up wondering what's the point of it all....

if you have been feeling like that, i want to encourage you to press on! 

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,
I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Philippians 3:13-14

leave the past behind, forget about mistakes made and look forward! Think future, think heaven-ward!
Our present troubles shape us and give us a chance to build up our faith.

Sometimes life will get us down, but we just need to look to Jesus!

When you remember this, the next time you are walking alone at night or in the morning, on a nice cloudy day -
LOOK UP! look up and be reminded that God who made heaven and earth so beautiful, He made you as well, and He knows the plan He has for you! =)

Have a good rest this friday, since there is no cell meeting, spend time with your family, spend time resting, spend time along with God =)

10 September 2007

Cell This Week

Chairperson: David
Icebreaker: Sheena
Worship: Jonathan
Musician: Jonathan
Bible Study: Caleb

David will let you guys know the place by Wednesday night.

well done!

Well done people! you guys really put in a wonderful effort for the breakfast sale+art auction!

everyone of us have a part to play, something special to contribute.

remember that as a team we can achieve much more as we work in unity!

you all have a wonderful week, keep praying for one another.
  • Exams for those taking exams.
  • Do pray for Sheena's grandpa, who's not well

06 September 2007

You're Everything

Really amazing video. Almost made me cried.

05 September 2007

cell this week!

bible study-jonathan

pls support them!
anyone willing to open their home?