30 June 2007

Baptism Course!!

Dear all,

We will be conducting our 1st Youth Baptism Class from next sat onward.

The class will start from 12.30-1.45pm, every sat at lounge Lizard.

14July - Lesson 1: How can I be sure of my faith

21July - Lesson 2: The Holy Spirit

28July - Lesson 3: Water Baptism

11Aug - Lesson 4: The Sacraments

18Aug - Lesson 5: Fellowship + briefing for all baptism candidates

Those who signed up for the class:

  1. Kum Weng
  2. Joseph Ang
  3. Sheena Ng
  4. Benjamin Lim
  5. Deming
  6. Ruoping ( if you can, just attend the course and complete it first, don't worry about your parents objection first. we leave that in God's hands! )

29 June 2007

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27 June 2007

well done Kairos!

You all have encouraged me greatly - the whole cell attended camp! YAY! everyone was there! fantastic! =)

Just want to update you all on the cell attendance over the past 6 months (11 Jan - June 24)

6 months Perfect attendance - Ruoping!
3 months Perfect attendance - Sheena (Jan to March)
                                           - Kumweng (April to June)
                                           - Joseph (April to June)

individually, attendance has improved too =)

Kumweng - improved by 8%
Deming - improved by 24%
Joseph - improved by 25%

but the best improved goes to..........Ben! a 31% improvement in attendance! WOW!

Ben & Rp, I want to encourage you by blessing u with a small gift =)

Kairos! continue 2 shine 4 Jesus! Amen?

26 June 2007

hey hey cell members. ~ we will be g0ing f0r STEAMBOAT BUFFET at BUGIS f0r cell 0uting. 0rganised by ME and SHEENA. !!!!! yays. ~ we will meet at 7.45pm at CP. please d0nt be LATE. !!!! l0ls. cya my cell members. !!!!!
im s0 anxi0us. l0ls. hmm, i had a great time in the camp. and i f0und 0ut that team w0rk is really imp0rtant. and JOSEPH as my gr0up leader, really take g00d care 0f the members. heex.
0n the sec day, had gr0up dissussi0n. and JOSEPH sp0ke ab0ut what kind 0f friend am i t0 G0d. ? i think f0r awhile. and i felt guilty.
cause i 0nly pray and seek f0r Him when i need HELP.
what kind 0f friend am i. ?!
0h man. ~ then, i decided t0 be pray and talk t0 G0d whenever i need help an0t.
cause He is 0ur best friend. !!!! yays. ~
and during the MINSTRY, i started crying and was slainted by PASTOR DANIEL i think. while GINA was behind me praying. he just h0ld my hands and i fell.
when i wake up, like JOSEPH, i feel like crying. i feel very sad inside. but i d0nt kn0w why. when there was an0ther alter call, i feel like g0ing up. t0 give all my hurts t0 G0d.
and i think f0r a l0ng l0ng time. sh0uld i g0 up. ?
and i regret i didnt g0 up.

Dare 2b Different!

wow! thanks joseph for your wonderful testimony! God is awesome! Amen?

it is truly a blessing and encouragement to me as I saw how God touched and challenged all of you. in my heart I know that God has great things in store for all of you, that as long as you are willing, you are going to do wonderful things for God. =)

Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

God is calling you 2 surrender all to Him. God reminded me about a few things during this camp:
  • Don't think so much, cos I don't need to know all the facts cos God holds tomorrow in His hand
  • Trust God, let Him surprise me - "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Cor 2:9
  • It's not about me - It's the power of God. it doesn't matter how "good", "Holy", how long i've been a christian. It's all God.
    • But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. -2 Corinthians 12:9-10
    • 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty . - Zechariah 4:6
Jump straight in, surrender all, hold nothing back - Here i am Lord, Send me

God has been so good 2 me, to allow me 2 be a blessing to you, 2 serve you, 2 pray for you. He has given me the privilege 2 see with my own eyes His power to save us, His power to change us.

my prayer 4 u is that you will always love God above all else, that your heart will break for what break's His heart, that God's love for you will transform not only you, but your loved ones as well.

that you will bring every challenge and test of faith and put your trust in Him, that you will Love Him, even when you don't feel like it.

that You will be Jesus' Hands and Feet

Love the Lord with everything you have as well:

  • Read your Bible, love the Word that God has give to you. His love-letter to you. His sword to you, His power to you. His presence to you.
  • Pray in the Holy Spirit - be bold, pray out in tongues, in the prayer language of the Holy Spirit. Ask and you will receive. speak out in faith
  • Love your neighbour - challenge, encourage and bless your brothers and sisters in Christ, pray for your family. love them in good deeds and actions. share your faith by being a living example, a living testimony
  • Sit and Rest in God's Presence - enjoy spending time alone with God. He's waiting for you :) He loves to spend time with you. doesn't matter your feelings, its not about a spiritual high, it's about faith - Believing when we can't see it. God tells us "BE Still and know that I am God"

sheena & rp - looking forward 2 a good time of fellowship that u 2 r planning :)

24 June 2007

Camp Was Great

Camp was fun. It really took my faith to the next level.

For the past few weeks, I've been praying to God to strengthen my faith. Even though I've seen many miracles from him, sometimes I find it difficult to really focus in Him. To be honest, I've this doubt sometimes if God really exists. Isaiah advice me to keep praying and I'm glad I did.

On the 2nd day, I'm supposed to lead the morning devotion for my champion group. It was something like a cell group discussion. Pastor Gary briefed the leaders of the group the night before and that was the only time I thought about the passage.

It was only until the next morning then I realised I haven't prepared for it. We started by reading the chapter in the book of Psalm and opened in a prayer. So I started speaking and words just flowed out of me. I believe that it was the Holy Spirit that was helping me.

So that night was Pastor Daniel's sermon. Before the camp, I heard from you guys that you all were pushed by him and that was why you all fell. I was quite excited about getting slained and see if it's really pushing or it's really God.

I remember Pastor Gary came over and started praying, Isaiah was behind me. I forgot what happened. All I could remember was Pastor Gary was saying "more of you, Lord. more of you, Lord" and *click* I fell.

I lay down for awhile before sitting up and I started to weep. I don't know why but I just cried. I believed all these was the work of the Holy Spirit. The camp has really took my faith to the next level.

21 June 2007



P.S. Why must we bring one set of wet wear? Are we going anywhere near the sea?

20 June 2007

Keep on Praying =)

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.- Ephesians 6:18

As the camp approaches, I'm going to spend the next 2 days in prayer & fasting, on Wed & Thursday.

A few things I am committing to God:

Ruoping - that God's will for you be done: whether your parents sign your consent form or not, I pray for you that you will be a testimony and a Light for Christ in your family! All things happen for the good of those who love Him, so I pray that God's will and His name be glorified in your life =)

Kairos - that as all of you come 2 this camp, the Holy Spirit will impact you and bring you closer and deeper in your relationship with God =) and that you will draw closer to one another as one family united by God's love. That you will come closer to God, not depending on how you feeling, but by faith!

I'll be fasting lunch (means I won't be eating solid food) from 12pm to 6pm on wed and thursday. Join me if you wish =) Fasting/Praying does not twist God's will to ours, but we offer it up as a spiritual act of worship, to honour God. More important that anything else is to pray for God's Will to be done, not ours. Cos His will is Good, Perfect & Pleasing! (Romans 12:22)

you all have a blessed week! see you on Friday Morning at 9am! =)

18 June 2007

It's About Getting Dirty

Hope you guys had fun during yesterday's fishing trip. Came late with Isaiah, Matilda and Sheena. We went to the toilet and was so disgusted by it - sight and smell. It was so dirty.

Sheena and Ruo Ping were talking to Isaiah about missionary trips. And I remembered about the book I read. Dirty Faith: Becoming the Hand and Feet of Jesus.

Who says being a Christian is easy? It's all about getting your hand and feet dirty for God. The book is currently with Isaiah. You guys can borrow from him when he has finished reading it.

It may seem to be a tough job becoming hand and feet of Jesus - but it's a job worth doing.

17 June 2007

hey hey =)

Firstly, thanks Dora & Ivy for visiting us today! and well done Ben & Deming for inviting them down!

Shi Ming & Ruoping & Ben, glad 2 see u all studying hard before service started!

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone?
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
(http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ecclesiastes%204:9-12;&version=51; )

God's Word reminds us that we can help each other succeed! so encourage each other in any part of your life: Family, Quiet Time, Cell, Church, Studies, Work. Help each other out!

this week there's no cell meeting cos of the Camp! Yea! btw - For CAMP REVOLUTION 2007,
the december camp is confirmed at Sentosa 20-23rd Dec, so I'm hoping you all will help 2 plan out this camp. what you all think?

QUIET TIME! - the book OUR Journey that i passed out, it is a daily material that will help you to get into a regular quiet time habit, gives you something to learn and think about. so i really hope all of you will fill in the centre portion and mail it in. they will send it to you every 2 or 3 months. its what i am using too!

keep each other in prayer ok =) keep blessing and covering each other in prayer!

15 June 2007

Celebrate Father's Day =)

Yesterday =)

thanks Ben for leading the cell yesterday, thanks Rp for leading worship even though you were not feeling well! thanks deming for the unique ice-breaker.

haha i think the lounge is too comfortable for you all, maybe next time we'll change venue.

13 June 2007

Kairos Connects =)

Dear Kairolites!

see yah all for cell tm! we'll be looking at Stewardship II - Treasures. I hope that you remember some stuff from last week and have been making the best use and honouring God with your time!

so tomorrow's all about $$$$$! haha.... alright see yah all tm!

God bless!

Hillsong United - From The Inside Out

I love this song, love the lyrics.

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains and should I stumble again
I'm caught in your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing you praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart and my soul
Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing you praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart and my soul
Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out

Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
from the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

In my heart and my soul
Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out

Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out Lord

Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

11 June 2007

FUN FUN@Sentosa!

heya Kairos!

hope you all had fun yesterday at sentosa!! i am totally burnt and
roasted! my skin hurts haha! once again want to thank kw and the
programmers, good job =)

to those i injured - haha i'm sorry.
to those who took a bath in the sea - hope u enjoyed it hehe

really want to thank God for the weather and the fun. i believe it was
a good time of getting to know people and building up friendships -
remember it is by our love for one another that we are known as Jesus'

shiming, thanks for joining us again =) always glad 2 have u with us,
u r an honourary member of Kairos now, so u r always welcomed anytime!
thanks for the movie suggestion as well. any ideas for the next show?

sheena & ruoping thanks for taking such good care of shiming, very
proud of u two. love-in-action =)

kw - he gave up his seat 2 an uncle in the train. thats a very good
example =) love n serve not only with words but in actions as well!
(james 2:17)

if there's only one thing u can remember, one think u must learn and
experience - LOVE, God's love for us motivates us in everything.
behind WWJD is the fact that God is Love (1 John 4:16). God loves each
one of us, specially, beyond measure. let this change the way you look
at others, the way you treat others. let this motivate you to love
your family and friends more, because God loves them and He's showing
His love for them through You n me =)

Have a blessed week ahead!

in response 2 joe's question - Why do we pray in Jesus Name to God the Father.

this is the mystery we call the Holy Trinity. 1 God in 3 persons.
there is only one God, but 3 unique individuals God the Father, God
the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

all 3 persons are equally God. we pray in Jesus Name, because God has
given all authority and made everything subject to Jesus, His Son. but
Jesus the Son while on earth did only what the will of God wanted
done, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

sounds rather confusing? put it simply,

1) 1 God, 3 unique Persons, all equally God.
2) we pray in Jesus Name because we are instructed to ask in Jesus
Name (John 16:24)
3) there is no other name by which we can be saved
4) in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches the disciples to pray with Our
Father in Heaven, so we are instructed to pray 2 God the Father,
because we are following the example and command of Jesus, who prayed
for the Father's will and plan to be done on earth. (see luke 11)

Jesus came to earth to do what God the Father desired Jesus to do. so
when you pray, PLJP - pray like Jesus Prayed! for GOd's will to be
done on earth, as it is done in heaven. when we pray like this, we are
bringing heaven down to earth, transforming strongholds of the kingdom
of darkness into places, lives, people, churches, schools, workplaces,
families, friendships, businesses - where the will of God, the good,
perfect and pleasing will of God the Father is done!


Tioman =)

just thought i'd share some of the Tioman photos for u all to see =) it's a nice place. everywhere we go, if we just bother to look, we will realise that only a loving, creative God could have made such beautiful oceans, sky and water!

Psalm 69:34 Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them

Nehemiah 9:6 You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.

The Third Day photos

08 June 2007

I Support New Living Translation (NLT)

NLT is so much clearer compared to NIV. I've always thought NIV was good until Isaiah posted some verses using NLT version. Let me show you an example between NIV and NLT.

Proverbs 5:16 (NIV)
Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares?

What does it mean? I'm not too sure either, and NLT comes to the rescue by giving us a clearer explanation of the verse.

Proverbs 5:16 (NLT)
Why spill the water of your springs in the streets, having sex with just anyone?

Oh, so it actually telling us not to have sex with just anyone. See the difference between NIV and NLT now? Strongly recommended by Isaiah and me to get the NLT. And, I've been reading "End Times" article on a website which lead me to find this article that Christians should not have piercings on their body.

Isaiah, this website also have some articles about End Times. Is it true about the Antichrist and stuffs? One of the articles was saying that he might be gay because a verse from Daniel says...

Then the king shall do according to his own will; he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall magnify himself above them all. (Daniel 11:36-37)

he has no desires for women. What do you think?

great time today!

heya Kairos!

i hope you all had a great time at cell today! thanks kw for leading worship, deming for playing, joseph for chairing & sheena for ice-breakers. although i was not there, i'm sure it was a good experience for you all!

hope you all managed 2 catch something about how 2 be a good steward of our time, by the way I think I forgot to mention that steward=manager. so you are God's appointed manager of the  Time, Treasures, Talents & Territory that He has given you! thanks for all the questions and testimonies. keep asking questions n sharing; that is what makes a good cell, where everyone feels comfortable and encouraged 2 ask questions and share their testimonies =) we are all learning from each other!

next week, we'll be looking at Stewardship again, and this time on $TREASURES$$$, how do we managed our money? a few of you are working, most of us have an allowance from our parents as well. how do we honour God with our treasures? it will be a practical session so i want you 2 start thinking about how you have been using your treasures so far =)

next week's serving for Kairos-meet on 14th june, 6pm:
Ben- Chairperson
Ruoping - Worship
Deming - Welcome/ice-breaker

NO cell on 21st june cos of the camp!
Fellowship/Outreach outing on 28th! let's have some girl-power! (Rp & Sheena, you 2 plan this together!!)

continue 2 encourage one another and keep praying for your family, friends and each other!

remember in any situation as yourself - WWJD! what would Jesus Do!

keep being a blessing! and read your bible!

05 June 2007

Fwd: cell instructions for this week

Hey all! some instructions for this week!

Joe, for this week cell you'll be the chairperson (see the cell blog)

please ensure you start the cell at 620pm sharp,
  1. opening prayer - kw
  2. Welcome/ice-breakers - sheena
    • check on bible-reading - joseph
    • testimonies - joseph
  3. Worship - kw (must explain why you chose this songs, before you start the worship)
    • How Great is our God
    • I could sing of Your love forever
  4. Word - isaiah ( i will reach before 7pm)
  5. Works - ALL
  6. closing prayer

we'll end by 750pm to 8pm =)

sorry guys, cos i have an interview at 515pm, and i'll rush down by 6pm I hope! but if not i am not worried!

trust you guys 2 be able to work together and run the cell on your own k! =) i sent you all the instructions about what is happening cos i want you all 2 work together and be accountable to one another so that the cell works well!

Kw, we'll practice tm (wed). let me know. RP, in case i don't make it back in time, you'll be the musician =)

RP - please collect and remind them 2 bring CAMP+OUTING Consent forms!

xie xie,


What Would Jesus Do?

Add on to Deming's post:

Was reading this book that I bought today and it mentions What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) too. It mentioned that "WWJD" was very popular awhile back and it was printed on shirts, stickers and stuffs like that to remind people how they should response to situations - like how Jesus would.

Another group of people came up with "HDYKWJWDIYDKWHD" which simply means How Did You Know What Jesus Would Do If You Didn't Know What He Did. How can you live like Him when you don't know Him?

That's why I strongly urge you all to read your bible. Another interesting thing the book pointed out was, the "WWJD" shirts and stuffs popularity died down very soon but it was alright. Because Jesus didn't call us to wear a message - but to live as one.

04 June 2007

YAYS.! great post from isaiah.! (:
it's my turn to contibute.!
i will do it my style.

i believe all of you enjoyed falling & laughing at others fall.
yeah.! i enjoyed laughing at ruoping & falling on my butt.!
haha.! that video was great.! =X
thanks yolanda & olivia for joining us.
thanks kumweng & benjamin for organising this outing.
kairos, you may want to give some ideas of where you wanna go
fpr the next cell group outing. (:
catch a movie.? sun tanning.? zoo.? sentosa.? go spca.?
okie, before i end this post
i wanna say that i took leave on 10th june. it's sentosa outing.!
i hope you guys will be there.! (:
nights & do your QT, i'm doing mine. (:

More than Conquerors!

Dear Kairolites!

Firstly! Welcome and thanks 2 our new friends who joined us on saturday for service: Shi Ming, Xinyu & Cheryl! do come back and join us this saturday for service and come for the sentosa outing on sunday too!

also, well done 2 Joseph & Kw for inviting your friends down! Continue 2 carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

I'm also very proud of u all for all the work & effort u are putting in.
- for overcoming her fear of praying out loud and being able to pray out during the pre-service prayer for haosiang =) also, very beautiful slides, keep up the excellent work.
Joseph - wonderful testimony on tithing and the faithfulness of God to us!
Ruoping -  for taking the initiative 2 invite friends down for the sunday outing! yea its going 2 be lots of fun!
Ben - can't wait for the video that you are making! "The Offering" - premièring this Saturday before service!
Deming - for designing n going down 2 make payment for the Genesis Youth T-shirt 2007!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

- Colossians 3:23-24

some reminders! Cell-time this week, 6pm thursday. (we may have it in the victory room, i let you know again)

Opening Prayer: Kw
Welcome/Ice-breakers: Sheena
Worship: Kw
Word: Managing and Honouring our God-give time. it will be a practical session on how should we be good managers of the time that God has blessed us with. If you have friends interested in this, do invite them =) this falls under the biblical principle of Stewardship, check out what that term means on your own!

over the next few weeks i will introduce 2 you the new structure of how we will all serve one another as a cell group. basically cell-time covers these few key elements (4 "W"):

Welcome - consists of ice-breakers and getting to know each other better. Man to man
Worship - honouring and praising God. Man to God
Word - hearing God's word, to encourage and minister to each other. God to man
Works - to minister and serve our pre-believer friends outside and each other as well. Man to man

We will also have the following roles in our cell every week i.e every member will rotate thru' these roles:
  • Chairman - informs everyone about cell and makes sure that the Word Leader, Welcome Leader and Worship Leader have prepared for cell. does the opening prayer as well.
  • Welcome Leader - plans ice-breaker and welcomes everyone to cell.
  • Worship Leader/ Musician - prepare yourself by spending at least 1 hour in prayer to hear and find out what God wants to do through the worship
  • Word Leader
and some roles that are constant i.e. fix for the year
  • Treasurer
  • Cell Leader
  • Assistant Cell Leader/ Cell Leader Intern (in the future, not as yet)
for monthly
there will be a Fellowship IC every month. A different cell member will plan the monthly cell outreach or fellowship outing/meal
e.g. last month's fellowship IC was Kw, when he planned the cell outing to pasir ris park. The Fellowship IC for the month will also be responsible for arranging for any birthday celebration if one of us has a birthday in the month as well as getting someone to get the birthday present. i suggest that we fix the cost of the present to $30 and below? so its about $5 per person (any feedback?)


for Joseph

What's so special about Mount Zion? check out the following verses and you tell me :)

Name of, applied to the city of the redeemed
Heb_12:22; Rev_14:1

Called The City of God
Psa_87:2-3; Isa_60:14

Restoration of, promised

taken from Nave's bible dictionary.


haha sorry for such a long post!! anyway do keep each other in prayer k, pray for your friends as well!
RP & Ben - you must study 20 hours a week k! bring that paper which i gave u 2 record your study hours along!
i'm going for  another interview on monday (4th june), so do keep me in your prayers as well, that God's will be done in my life!

Do your Quiet Time! spend time to listen out to what God wants to share with you, spend time just enjoying God's presence! =) we are in a midst of a spiritual war. strengthen yourself and each other by praying for one another and for your friends as well. the devil is not happy, but we are not afraid, in fact we must press on harder and stronger in prayer!!! Amen? troubles will come, arguments for no obvious reason, fear, laziness, tiredness.....many things, but thru Faith and in prayer we will be MORE THAN CONQUERORS!!

remember the Battle belongs to God and He has given us the victory through the power of our Risen Saviour and now through the Holy Spirit living in us!


good night!!!



02 June 2007

power verses =)

i love these 2 verses =)

Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
- Ephesians 4:29 (New Living Translation)

But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.
- James 1:22

thanks Joseph for highlighting them =)