29 May 2007

It's Called A Relationship

When I'm on the bus home, listening to worship songs, a message came into my mind. I'm going to write it down. I believe God will give me the right words to say.

Boy meets Girl. Boy falls in love with Girl. Boy tries to get closer to Girl. Girl falls in love with Boy. Boy and Girl got together.

Typical love story? It's because all relationships works the same way. You'll find ways trying to get close to the person you're in love with, trying to know more - if not everything - about the person. No matter what happens, not matter how bad the situation is, you still keep trying to get close.

God is trying to get close to you. He knows everything about you. No matter how many times you rejected Him, the Mighty One stills tries his best to get close. Are you trying to get close to Him?

We're all believers, which means we're now in a relationship with Him. Yes, we may attend service and cell every week without fail, but is that enough in a relationship? That's the same as telling your partner that you love him/her but only communicate every Thursday and Saturday. Think about it, are you in this relationship?

Technology helps us to learn more about our partners. Talking to your partner is just a phone call away. Reading about your partner's day is just a simple click on the blog away.

God's technology is even better, but we aren't using it often even though it's free. Talking to Him is so simple - you just have to pray. Reading his blog doesn't requires you to have a computer and internet connection - it comes in the form of a Bible, which I'm sure all of us have.

What're you going to do with this wonderful relationship with the Greatest? Are you going to make it an intimate relationship or are you just going to make it a "Thursday and Saturday" relationship? The choice's in your hands.

- Joseph

Thank God for helping me in writing this. Hope that you guys are not just going to be a reader but a doer as well. Hope that the next two verses will be a great help to you in whatever you do.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Ephesians 4:29

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. - James 1:22

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