02 May 2007


so what's in a name anyway? A name is important because it communicates an identity, a sense of who a person is. same with a cell name or even a ministry name.

why Kairos, what you all have decided on, and why "More than Conquerors"? both have special meaning to me, and they contain truths that i hope all of you will always keep close 2 ur hearts and let it transform the way you look at life and the way you live as well!

Kairos* ="the appointed time in the purpose of God" all things happen in God's own choosing and His own timing! sometimes we will wonder when will God move and when will He act. As i was praying for ruoping, i wonder this as well, that when would God act.

i attended service on sunday at Matilda's church and during the worship, they sang a beautiful song Still, which reminded me that God is in control, in His own time and pleasure He will act, all we need to believe is that when we pray, things are already immediately changing in the spiritual realm!

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

all i needed to do was to be still i.e. not worry, not try in my own strength, but just to pray and worship and stand still, and know that God is God of all; He is in control, ALWAYS! even when we think otherwise!

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still - Exodus 14:14
(read also Psalm 46)

In 1 Kings 19, the prophet Elijah was in trouble and seeking God. so God told him that His Presence would come, but it didn't come in the way Elijah or most of us would expect, not in the Big earthquakes or Fires, but in a gentle whisper, God speaks. so listen out for that still small voice of God as He speaks to u!

Kairos, God's time. remember the promise of Romans 8:28, that all things happen for the good of those who love the Lord! all things= all things = everything! Amen! (this is one verse u must memorise!)

As i read ruoping's blog, i was truly blessed and encouraged by the faith that u showed and by the words u wrote about how u trusted God to help you through this and truly, in God's Kairos Time, it will happen! Amen!

i'll share another time about being "More than Conquerors" but do post up and share your comments and thoughts =)

* I couldn't get a better reference than wiki, some of the stuff written there may be confusing and some not very correct as well, so be discerning as u read!

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