08 June 2007

great time today!

heya Kairos!

i hope you all had a great time at cell today! thanks kw for leading worship, deming for playing, joseph for chairing & sheena for ice-breakers. although i was not there, i'm sure it was a good experience for you all!

hope you all managed 2 catch something about how 2 be a good steward of our time, by the way I think I forgot to mention that steward=manager. so you are God's appointed manager of the  Time, Treasures, Talents & Territory that He has given you! thanks for all the questions and testimonies. keep asking questions n sharing; that is what makes a good cell, where everyone feels comfortable and encouraged 2 ask questions and share their testimonies =) we are all learning from each other!

next week, we'll be looking at Stewardship again, and this time on $TREASURES$$$, how do we managed our money? a few of you are working, most of us have an allowance from our parents as well. how do we honour God with our treasures? it will be a practical session so i want you 2 start thinking about how you have been using your treasures so far =)

next week's serving for Kairos-meet on 14th june, 6pm:
Ben- Chairperson
Ruoping - Worship
Deming - Welcome/ice-breaker

NO cell on 21st june cos of the camp!
Fellowship/Outreach outing on 28th! let's have some girl-power! (Rp & Sheena, you 2 plan this together!!)

continue 2 encourage one another and keep praying for your family, friends and each other!

remember in any situation as yourself - WWJD! what would Jesus Do!

keep being a blessing! and read your bible!

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