04 June 2007

More than Conquerors!

Dear Kairolites!

Firstly! Welcome and thanks 2 our new friends who joined us on saturday for service: Shi Ming, Xinyu & Cheryl! do come back and join us this saturday for service and come for the sentosa outing on sunday too!

also, well done 2 Joseph & Kw for inviting your friends down! Continue 2 carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

I'm also very proud of u all for all the work & effort u are putting in.
- for overcoming her fear of praying out loud and being able to pray out during the pre-service prayer for haosiang =) also, very beautiful slides, keep up the excellent work.
Joseph - wonderful testimony on tithing and the faithfulness of God to us!
Ruoping -  for taking the initiative 2 invite friends down for the sunday outing! yea its going 2 be lots of fun!
Ben - can't wait for the video that you are making! "The Offering" - premièring this Saturday before service!
Deming - for designing n going down 2 make payment for the Genesis Youth T-shirt 2007!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

- Colossians 3:23-24

some reminders! Cell-time this week, 6pm thursday. (we may have it in the victory room, i let you know again)

Opening Prayer: Kw
Welcome/Ice-breakers: Sheena
Worship: Kw
Word: Managing and Honouring our God-give time. it will be a practical session on how should we be good managers of the time that God has blessed us with. If you have friends interested in this, do invite them =) this falls under the biblical principle of Stewardship, check out what that term means on your own!

over the next few weeks i will introduce 2 you the new structure of how we will all serve one another as a cell group. basically cell-time covers these few key elements (4 "W"):

Welcome - consists of ice-breakers and getting to know each other better. Man to man
Worship - honouring and praising God. Man to God
Word - hearing God's word, to encourage and minister to each other. God to man
Works - to minister and serve our pre-believer friends outside and each other as well. Man to man

We will also have the following roles in our cell every week i.e every member will rotate thru' these roles:
  • Chairman - informs everyone about cell and makes sure that the Word Leader, Welcome Leader and Worship Leader have prepared for cell. does the opening prayer as well.
  • Welcome Leader - plans ice-breaker and welcomes everyone to cell.
  • Worship Leader/ Musician - prepare yourself by spending at least 1 hour in prayer to hear and find out what God wants to do through the worship
  • Word Leader
and some roles that are constant i.e. fix for the year
  • Treasurer
  • Cell Leader
  • Assistant Cell Leader/ Cell Leader Intern (in the future, not as yet)
for monthly
there will be a Fellowship IC every month. A different cell member will plan the monthly cell outreach or fellowship outing/meal
e.g. last month's fellowship IC was Kw, when he planned the cell outing to pasir ris park. The Fellowship IC for the month will also be responsible for arranging for any birthday celebration if one of us has a birthday in the month as well as getting someone to get the birthday present. i suggest that we fix the cost of the present to $30 and below? so its about $5 per person (any feedback?)


for Joseph

What's so special about Mount Zion? check out the following verses and you tell me :)

Name of, applied to the city of the redeemed
Heb_12:22; Rev_14:1

Called The City of God
Psa_87:2-3; Isa_60:14

Restoration of, promised

taken from Nave's bible dictionary.


haha sorry for such a long post!! anyway do keep each other in prayer k, pray for your friends as well!
RP & Ben - you must study 20 hours a week k! bring that paper which i gave u 2 record your study hours along!
i'm going for  another interview on monday (4th june), so do keep me in your prayers as well, that God's will be done in my life!

Do your Quiet Time! spend time to listen out to what God wants to share with you, spend time just enjoying God's presence! =) we are in a midst of a spiritual war. strengthen yourself and each other by praying for one another and for your friends as well. the devil is not happy, but we are not afraid, in fact we must press on harder and stronger in prayer!!! Amen? troubles will come, arguments for no obvious reason, fear, laziness, tiredness.....many things, but thru Faith and in prayer we will be MORE THAN CONQUERORS!!

remember the Battle belongs to God and He has given us the victory through the power of our Risen Saviour and now through the Holy Spirit living in us!


good night!!!



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