05 June 2007

What Would Jesus Do?

Add on to Deming's post:

Was reading this book that I bought today and it mentions What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) too. It mentioned that "WWJD" was very popular awhile back and it was printed on shirts, stickers and stuffs like that to remind people how they should response to situations - like how Jesus would.

Another group of people came up with "HDYKWJWDIYDKWHD" which simply means How Did You Know What Jesus Would Do If You Didn't Know What He Did. How can you live like Him when you don't know Him?

That's why I strongly urge you all to read your bible. Another interesting thing the book pointed out was, the "WWJD" shirts and stuffs popularity died down very soon but it was alright. Because Jesus didn't call us to wear a message - but to live as one.

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