28 July 2007

I asked GOD t0 take away my bad habits.
GOD said, No. It is n0t f0r me t0 take away, but f0r y0u t0 give it up.

I asked GOD t0 make my handicapped child wh0le.
GOD said, No. His spirit is whole, his b0dy is 0nly temporary.

I asked GOD t0 grant me patience.
GOD said, No. Patience is a bypr0duct 0f tribulati0ns:it isn't granted, it is learned.

I asked GOD t0 give me happiness.
GOD said, No. I give y0u blessings; happiness is up t0 y0u.

I asked GOD t0 spare me pain.
GOD said, No. Suffering draws y0u apart fr0m w0rldly cares and brings y0u cl0ser t0 me.

I asked GOD f0r all things that i might enj0y life.
GOD said, No. i will give y0u life, s0 that y0u may enj0y all things.

I ask GOD t0 help me LOVE 0thers, as much as He l0ve me.
GOD said "Ahhhhh, finally y0u have the idea. "

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