22 October 2007

Of trees and hope

How many of us actually take time to notice the trees or bushes by the roadside, as we walk along a pavement, or drive along a road? Probably no one... and probably you'll think it's meaningless.

It just sways in the breeze, unnoticed, unrecognised... Who will actually care to groom it, or know how many leaves they have, or whether they rot to death or not? But no matter how it gets ignored, it still continues to photosynthesize and replenish the oxygen in the air, something very crucial to the earth, which we most of the time fail to realise. Though they continually help others around them by doing what they do, we usually fail to realise how crucial and important they are to us...

Plants have many wonders besides replenishing oxygen. Maybe the leaves of these plants have medicinal value, or fruits that are edible to feed people, but has yet to be discovered? Yes, plants have many mysteries that require people to DISCOVER them...

Take some time to compare ourselves with the trees on the roadside... Though we may not be recognised or find what we do very meaningless, but do take some time to realise that whatever routine we are going through now, we may be blessing many others around us without knowing it. yes, our routine. And we have many aspects have yet to realise about ourselves, and the discoverer is none other than God our creator . We may be comparable to only a grass at times, only serve for people to step or dogs to shit on, but Do not despair, because we are miraculously and amazingly made. Everyone is special =)

" Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

"and hope does not disppoint us, because God poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us" Romans 5:5

Cool eh? the numbers nicely fall nicely together, and both talk about hope.

Hoping for something doesn't necessarily bring happiness, mainly because, there are still chances that things will turn out wrong eventually. I guess the message to be joyful in hope is because hope is very related to faith. One cannot exist without the other. And also, hoping gives us a drive to move on, to press on. It gives us a purpose and a direction to work towards.
Therefore, even if things do not turn out as "hoped" , we'll still learn something called perseverence. Probably we may get something even better than we hoped for without knowing.... of course hopes will be useless without effort, and most importantly without faith and prayer... =)

HOPE you guys enjoy your week! YAY =)

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